
Ready...Set...Go: From Middle East to Western Pacific Ocean

Am I ready?  Yea, I'm ready to rock outta here in  my rocket-ship (ahem... Lufthansa Airlines). So folks, it looks like this is my last communique from my A`ali HQ for a few months. I'm deserting the desert for my Western Pacific island.  Desert Dweller to Island Kine. Let me tell you, it's not a journey for the faint of heart; stuck in economy class for 30 hours or so, eating kibble I wouldn't feed my kitties, breathing recirculated air while trying not to listen in on conversations... Wait. Back-up. No one has conversations anymore... Even on planes we're reduced to clutching at our lifelines- if not to call someone, but to stare at the screen playing games or watching movies.  Yea, I'll be watching movies as well and likely not talking to anyone.  Well, honestly I've been pretty fortunate in the 'cool neighbor on airplane' department.  As a single gal flying around the world and only sitting on aisle seats, I've somehow always managed to be placed next to a... single, handsome male flying around the world sitting in the 'mush-pot' as my dad would always say... Enough on that and let's just hope for the best :)

Speaking of dad, I've been thinking about him lately.  Thinking about his wisdom and wise-sayings.  What was he thinking when he traveled all around the world- albeit inside a submarine... I would love to ask him what I need to know, what I really need to know, about grant-writing.  I feel like I write with my heart on my sleeve, or fingers extending onto the computer screen so as it happens...

Upon doing some research on what teaching Fellows/Fulbrights have options to do after their terms are up, I've discovered there is a wealth of grants to apply for to conduct research in your specialized area.  Well folks, I've ran it through in my mind (dad, were you following?) and am plotting... I won't divulge now, but just know that something is in the works for me in the future. Honestly though, the first step is to become an alumni, and I'm not there yet- thankfully!  Yea, if you don't already know, my mission has been extended and so I'll be returning to Bahrain in September to carry on with another 10 months of teaching in residence.  So what does that mean?  It means another 10 months of plotting for my future, it means data collection- which means a plan... It means thinking about culture, landscape, archaeology, history, story-telling. It means narrowing down to a specific region I want to focus on.  Yea, I'm stoked when I think about the future.  Just need to take that first step...

To help me sort out all this in my mind, I've decided to take on another cross-country Amerika journey on 18 wheels.  I think you all know this already, but I'm just so excited that  I squeal with delight when I think about it!  To prepare for the southern route I've done some background research.  What form you ask?  Well, for starters I watched seasons 1 and 2 of Duck Dynasty... That's about as far as I've gotten so far... Any more ideas from you guys is greatly appreciated.

Back to this morning though.  Here in my host desert kingdom:  It's my last morning with coffee in bed for a while.  I'm glued to the air conditioner. I've made a make-shift 'fort' (pillows and a sarong) for the kitties on the bed so they are playing Indians and Indians :)  Yea, no cowboys to be seen here at Fort Formolo- just Shaika "long black spot" and Sami "scalpel"... For some reason Sami Bey likes to creep up on me while sleeping and start pawing at my hair, and then pulling it... Kinda creepy honestly.  I think to myself, "Gosh, what if I don't wake up for a while and when I do, I see a pile of hair on the bed and I rub a bald spot... Eek.

Ramadan has started and it is a festive atmosphere here. Yesterday I fasted all day- just by default as I was at work and didn't bring anything to eat, and of course there is nothing there to eat at this time.  I didn't eat or drink until 5pm when I was finished with my day.  You know what, it wasn't too bad.  Yes, I say this for only 1 day of fasting- and it wasn't even long enough as with daylight long right now, fasting is approximately for 15 hours. So, while you're fasting, I suppose that you do things to distract yourself from this endeavor.  So I decided to trot off after work to a 'house of henna'- Rachna's Henna Salon.  I spent the afternoon with a bunch of lovely ladies all enjoying a brief respite from the heat and chatting about whatever with each other. I suppose not surprisingly I noticed a few ladies glued to their cell phones- even when their friends were right there with them!  I guess this still trips me out. Are we really all about this tiny screen and tapping?  I guess so and it's here to stay until we all become big losers and get Google Glasses... Ugh.

Another thing I noticed since Saturday (Ramadan was set to start Saturday, but then Saudi Arabia didn't spot the crescent moon (with naked eye) at the proper time, so it was set back to start Sunday.  So, this gave everyone an extra day to EAT and DRINK!!! The supermarkets were crowded.  I mean super crowded.  As well, yesterday afternoon Alosra Sar parking lot was really crowded.  People like buying food during Ramadan!  Why?  Because they make splendid meals for Iftar (the daily breaking of the fast at sundown and after prayers). I mean, these are some serious spreads.  Food galore.  I remember friends in Turkey telling me they actually gain weight during Ramazan!  So yes, people stay up all night and eat and socialize.  It is a time of family gathering and purifying.  It is really so beautiful.

This year is particularly interesting here for Ramadan because also late at night is... wait for it... THE WORLD CUP games being aired!  Because of the time difference between South America and the Middle East, the games are aired late at night!  So, of course everybody is eating and watching the games!  And boy what a game last night between Algeria (I think everybody's favorite) and Germany.  Germany won, but Algeria won our hearts!  Damn those men are handsome too :)  That's another thing about the Middle East- there is no shortage of handsome men, and beautiful women incidentally. I've yet to check out Qatar (I'm flying there tonight), but so far Oman is tops for beautiful men category :) I can say honestly though that everybody here has beautiful hearts.  I can also say that driving is scary... All who know me know that I'm 'slowpoke'- mostly because I always had "Maui Cruiser" cars (old beaters) that would generally shimmy and shake at 55MPH...

To sum up, Ramadan Mubarak, or Ramadan Kareem to all reading this that partake!!!

It's time to rise and shine and get this day done and hop on a rocket-ship and cruise the galaxy (okay, airplane traveling through the stratosphere).  Upon arrival (48 hours travel time without time differences to account for, so less with), I'll be sleeping underneath the Maui sky in a tent in a Kula backyard!!! How cool is that??? What a way to break myself back into island living!  Yes, I'm keeping it real.  No air conditioners for me for the next few months thankfully.  Just good, clean Maui air to keep me cool, calm and relaxed.  Yea, and Da Kine :)

Arabian Sea

Western Pacific Ocean


countdown to Maui IS ON!!!

Saturday morning lounging in bed (7am) while it's already fully blazing-hot outside. The heat is trying to creep in, but I protest by having 2 layers of curtains in bedroom cave.  The kitties are frolicking around- probably wondering why it is still so dark in here while everywhere else is dripping in brightness...  I do like my cave.

Summer is here!  Well, it's been here for about 2 months already in terms of the heat index... There are exactly 2 more work days and then I'm on the next plane outta here headed back home to my "rock" in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!  The kitties will be transported to their summer villa in Sar where they will be in great company with an Animal Planet of sort of household!  They are going to the vet this morning to get micro-chipped!  I expect them to be mad at me, briefly, for the remainder of the day...

I still have so many adventures that I have not talked about from this past 10 months here in this desert kingdom, as well as travels to other desert kingdoms. 

 This is Muscat, Oman.  So far in my Middle Eastern travels, I have found Oman to be the best place for beach activity... I was in heaven and on the beach as much as I could possibly fit it during my trip.
Oman is very picturesque

Beachfront crab castles

Oman is a very orderly place where traffic is concerned.  Everything is logical here...

 I was really impressed with Oman's roads, traffic system and just driving in general.  It seems here that people can actually incur traffic infractions... As a bonus (if that wasn't already enough to make me squeal with delight), the roadways are pretty!  There are loads of areas to stop off of and just have a picnic.  Everything is groomed along the roadsides and there seem to be 'rest areas' everywhere (no facilities as far as I could telll) where you could just stop off and stretch out a bit, or chat on cell phone instead of driving while chatting- which is prevalent everywhere...
Oman has a lot of forts with breathtaking views

 The architecture is very modern and stylish and tasteful and just seems to fit in with the natural environment.  Again, this kingdom is organized and quite strikingly beautiful.  The sultan had a vision and it is beautifully played out everywhere you look.
Just another roadside attraction...

 Some palace... Of course Oman, as with all Middle Eastern countries, has a lot of palaces for various usages.
Architecture here is aesthetically pleasing

 I'm loving these cobalt blue accents

So Oman is my top choice to visit, or live, so far in the Middle East.  Of course I haven't been to Yemen yet...

Back on the rock known as the Kingdom of Bahrain... there is still a lot to do, but without the orderly roads and polite driving, and the beautiful beaches... Okay, there is plenty that is beautiful here as well though and I tend to check it out on the weekends.

 One of my favorite spots to haunt is the Qalat al Bahrain (Bahrain Fort) and when they host outdoor music events it's just a bonus!  We got a group together and all made delicious dishes and had a picnic while listening to the music.  It was perfect
Sara and her tribe were in attendance!
Afterwards we trekked inside the fort in search of the new Frenchy
art installation.

You can't see exactly, but this 'room' was very cool- like a spider web

 Part of the Frenchy art installation.  It looked like gold nuggets were encased underneath the flooring.  Or, primordial fires blazing.
An alien-like green glow emanating from somewhere deep inside the chamber that the gold nuggets were leading to.  

 The outside area of the Qalat al Bahrain.  Nice building with modern lines and an endless blue sky cascading down into the Arabian Gulf.
Sunset hour is amazing here.

 Of course, the Bahrain Financial Center in downtown Manama has magnificent architectural delights to feast your eyes on.  This is one of many.  Too bad the 'wind turbines' don't actually make/store energy...
Shaika Spot- bookworm...

I guess I never really discussed shopping here in the kingdom, mostly because I never really find an occasion to go shopping or "shop till you drop".  That all ended though with Sherry Santo's visit...
The kitties were in full play mode- as always...

 For summer solstice an archaeologist friend of mine has a yearly talk/walk-about at the Sar Temple.  We await sunset (which now sets behind the ghost-buildings of Marina West) and hope for some sort of divine intervention.  Well, we had a lovely sunset among other intrepid travelers and history buffs alike.  Later on we got down to some serious picnicking as the last vestiges of light were falling from the sky. 

For those of you that live here, this temple is amazing.  I had never been there before. It's an incredible accomplishment of the ancient Dilmun civilization. 
awaiting divine intervention...

Okay so we'll just eat, drink and be merry instead!

This is my favorite 'mall': Al Ali mall in Seef area.  What's so interesting is that no haole go here (foreigners).  Sherry Santo and myself were the only foreigners as far as I could tell- outside of the shopkeeps.  At any rate, this hidden gem is just that.  We shopped until we dropped, and then came back for more the next day!!! 

Well, this ends my commentary for now as I need to get myself outta bed and dressed to get to the veterinary clinic.  So more later on my departure from this desert kingdom...


Bad Girl

I've been a very bad girl.  I have not been keeping up with my blogging, and I have no good excuse as to why.  Perhaps it's this weather... Honestly, some days I just stay inside and camp out underneath my air conditioner.  It all started about 2 months ago, innocently enough.  I started to notice that I didn't have cold water when I forgot to turn the water heater on 1/2hour before I took a shower... Then I remembered, when it gets hot, you keep your shut your hot water off and just use the cold water (which is warm by comparison of HOT)

About 3 weeks ago I decided it was time to move the furniture around in my living room- which is like a palace in itself.  Mainly because I wanted my loafing couch (yes, I do a bit of that here) to be directly underneath the air con.  As well, it's become too hot to run really.  Sometimes I run late at night, but it doesn't happen a lot honestly. So, I delved back into my yoga space.  Now I have a cool yoga space in the middle of my living room and all the furniture are on the sidelines!

The kitties have taken to the new layout quite nicely.  They have become especially attached to the yoga mats... For some reason, they love to lay on them- most especially when I am practicing... Often I come home to bits and pieces of yellow yoga mat all over the living room too. This is a new development.  I don't see how they can eat my yoga mat when I buy them perfectly good and expensive kitty kibble.  They must remember the phase they went through eating up the bathroom rugs. That is mostly Mistress Shaika Spot that endorses that activity with enthusiasm.  Master Sami Bey is just the 'monkey see, monkey do' type and goes right along with the mayhem.

I should have been blogging up to now because I've been doing a lot of interesting things.  Now I can't remember what it all was though so I will just leave you with some pictures as proof that I indeed have more pastimes than loafing.

Lemme set the scene for y`all: Saturday morning. In bed. With coffee. It's hot. Really, really hot. The air con is on. It's 9:15 am.  It's still very, very dark in my cave...

 Shaika Spot is turning into quite the strangely beautiful Dilmun kitty kat.  She is an awesome creature and I learn so much from her- mostly how to be wreckless and just go for it...
 She's looking very coquettish here. Don't trust this look...

 Lounge Lizards.  Here they both are deeply involved in their favorite 'pastime.'  Brings me to a story about my students: I ask them, "What is your favorite pastime?" Most of them reply that it is sleeping... Anyway, the kitties look fabulous doing it- don't you think? 
 Master Sami Bey is seriously easy on the eye.  He's an Adonis, an Adonis without balls that is... So, he's a bit humbled by all THAT.  He's adjusting quite nicely without them and one day, hopefully, will really become a lap cat.  He is already on his way.  He does like to cuddle up to me when I am practicing my yoga.  He really likes to attack my feet at this time as well.  So he's a bit of a yo-yo personality.  He could also be a serial killer...
 This is my gym here on the left. It's called Al Areen Spa. It's pure luxury.  I sometimes go there, and when I do it's usually straight to the pool...
 Here is a cemetary in A`ali at the main archaeological site there- the Royal Burial Mounds.  I take all visitors here first usually as it's in my hood. I love this place.  I love to walk the earth here.  I love the feeling that I am somehow connected to this place- to Dilmun of ancient times.  The Dilmun of the epic of Gilgamesh and Enki, etc. 
 Beautiful Arabic architecture here in A`ali.  Again, I really feel at home in my little village here.  It is a Shia village. 
 This building always fascinates me.  The striking colors, the graffiti, the pottery studios.  Oh yes, A`ali is famous on the island for the potters and their studios.  Another favorite place of mine to take visitors, and usually walk away with more pottery myself... Will be a bit difficult to get this stuff (presents peeps!) back to America I suppose...
 Here's a picture of me holding up the walls at the archaeological site with my favorite building in the background. 
 I took Shamika there as well. 
 Here is a kiln that, I believe, is still in use.  When you visit the pottery studios there, often the guys will take you around back and inside their workshops to check out the behind-the-scenes scenes.  These scenes usually consist of family members in various stages of artistic endeavors.  Everybody is so nice and friendly.
 Here is another one of those scenes.  Gwen and I were given a royal tour and found kitties!!! Mama kitty was busy cleaning up the crew.  I just went back here with my sister about 2 weeks ago and mama kitty is... wait for it... pregnant again!  Alas...
 Sometimes I try to do Arabic homework. Master Sami Bey usually takes this opportunity to cuddle with me, or with my book.  I tire of this affectionate behavior NEVER so generally give up studying Arabic quite early on... It's all because of Sami Bey that I cannot become fluent in Arabic!
 There are plenty of opportunities to polish myself up and go to embassy functions.  Here I am with my thrift store crop jacket covering my Dolce and Gabbana LBD and my Upper East Side (thank you NYC) thrift store Christian Dior kitten heels.  I do clean up nicely actually :)
 Shamika and I went cruising one day in search of a beach.  I believe I wrote about this, but here are the pictures.  We were so happy.  Fancy that that a New Yorker would fine me, an island girl, a beach... Well, I suppose NYC is an island as well so it takes one to know one!
 More lounging. It's just like riding a bicycle- you never forget how to relax on the beach.  This is probably the thing I miss most about living in Turkey- all the magnificent beaches you go to in summer.  Obviously I miss this with Hawaii as, so far in my travels, nothing beats Hawaiian beaches- NOTHING...
 Okay, this picture is outta order, but I don't feel like re-organizing it so we are back in A`ali village. I just liked this metal box...
 Back to the beach!  Shamika kicking it with her cool, casual vibe.  We've got quite the bohemian little set-up going on here on this day. The girl has loads of energy.  What a gem and I hope to see her in NYC this summer when I'm in DC in August and do a little side trip to the city that never sleeps...
 Yea, it'll do...
 So, all these pictures are of Amwaj.  It is an expensive part of the island to live on.  Good thing I have no problem freeloading onto their backyard beaches...
 Shiny, happy girls with a bronze glow (it will turn bronze after the redness fades- really)...
 Back to A`ali again, but this time with a bonafide purpose that doesn't involve buying pottery!  The Danish archaeologists called me up wanting me to get some measurements that they needed for a talk back home so I of course complied.  Dug out the compass, mechanical pencil and found myself a crew member and off we went!
 We measured the steps to this site that I am standing on.  We had around 11 measurements to take.  We were all alone among these ancient walls. 
 Sometimes I get to lounge at this villa and in this pool!  Starlight's place is really fun and homey to visit.  She has an international community of kitties that she has rescued, and is the godmother of both Shaika Spot and Master Sami Bey.  She actually bottle-bed Sami Bey- I watched her do it.  I tried to help but damn he was a tiny tot... I never knew that you had to stimulate their butts to make them poop when the mother gives up on trying... heh heh. Poop mistress... lol
 Spanky is the lone canine among all the felines that cohabitate at Starlight's villa.  He's a big boy.  A big goofy dog.  It's nice to know big, goofy dogs. 
 Back to A`ali...
 Imma just say that I don't know what's going on here.  I found the graffiti stencil really interesting though.  I'll tell y`all about it sometime...
 I'm not sure if I showed pictured of the Formula One (F1)  races that happen every year here in Bahrain.  We got free tickets thanks to a gentle man... Here I am assuming quite the compromising position that one never wants to be in here in the Middle East...
 The F1luxury boxes or central command... Our seats were to the left of this, at the really hairy curve.  We got to see a car flip over.  Freaky, yet thrilling...
 Here is said gentle man with the tickets. Sir Anthony worked the event.  He's awesome. 
 We do celebrations over here- all of them.  Here is some of the extended family over here.  This is our international Easter celebration.

 Many countries and nationalities are represented in our extended family melting pot.  Keith and Shamika talking tech talk.
Shamika and Benny chatting themselves us after a fantastic dinner.
We also do birthday celebrations.  Kamal cutting his own cake.

The crew all happy post dessert 
 Abdullah all happy after eating birthday cake.
 Saying goodbye to Benny- who works with my sister in Saudi Arabia.
Lynnette, our hostess, makes sure all party-goers go home with swag. We never leave empty-handed!

Okay, that takes you all up through April.  I'm burnt out on pictures so imma stop here and continue on next time with Oman and go from there. It's time to make some breakfast and then go to the thrift store and see what's in store for me there as it's been 2+ weeks since visiting!

over and out,
