
picture this: 2014 Rollin Thru Amerika on 18 Wheels Semi-truck "Truck" Tour photo odyssey

I realized when I was blogging about my adventures across Amerika I couldn't post pictures as well because the internet wasn't strong enough at the truck stops that we hung out in. So, I've compiled a list of pictures from my odyssey.  Enjoy!

 Truck stops are a wealth of information and entertainment...
morning line-up

cuppa joe to start the daily odyssey off right

"Truck" mascot. Our guiding light

"Truck" gets all squeaky clean

SoCal desert


Palm Springs environs
another roadside attraction


hit up a lot of these on the "Truck" truck tour...

immigration woes for some

the man that makes it happen

another scenic stunner

crossing our 1st stateline
everything is (always) illuminated

lots of border patrol stops on North America's southern border

heading up into the pass

lookie lookie, another rest stop...

fortunately rest areas are nearly evenly spaced out every 2 hours...

America's Southwest at its finest

another stunner

got quite familiar with the Iron Skillet menu across America
metropolis ahead...

random 4-corners

this rest area was a beauty

good information to know before heading into the bathrooms...

blending in with the sky

"Truck" in all her glory

another cool Arizona rest area

America's love of oil. Nom nom nom...

looks like dynamite to me.  That's one way to cut through the mountain...


another concrete maze

pastoral Texas, or Oklahoma, or Arkansas...

lots of upcoming waterways

we hit up many casinos on our semi-truck "Truck" tour...

small town Amerika, lots of them on this route

scenes from a highway
a source of trucker pride

they got board being limited to making duck callers... Nice to see the Duck Dynasty dynasty diversifying

small town Amerika skyscraper


truck pods

yep... be careful who you pick up out here on the lonely highway


Louisiana industry
Louisiana charm

entering New Orleans!

Louisiana in spirit

Bayou country

waterways are endless in these parts

the famous Tiger Truck Stop, Louisiana

one of the many bridges of Louisiana

somewhere in Georgia

a mighty purdy rest area in North Carolina

overflow parking...

Virginia blossoms!

one way or another, I'm gonna get there...
let's add some rain to the mix- finally...

slow down everybody

 Pennsylvania is so beautiful and mountainous.

West Virginia blooming

rural living

 You think?
Ohio keeping it classy at the truck stop :)

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