
this week's spiritual dump...

Kinks. 1981. watch it. Then continue on with my post (you'll understand it a bit more I suppose):


Paranoia The Destroyer... Just a comment. I'm actually a hitchhiker in all this... Sometimes we get paranoid. Sometimes it is for very good reason.  Sometimes not. I admit, I've been paranoid a bit lately (this goes under the 'for very good reason' category BTW...) Anyway... at some point, though, you just gotta say, F*ck it.  I can only be myself.  F*uck it. Whatever. Keep the cameras rolling. Waddya want? You want this? YOU WANT ME??? Come and get me. Have at it if you will. You feel better now? Does it change things? Is 'IT' validated now? Can we now just continue on and honor the true nature of ourselves? So, you can lock this away in your file cabinet under the heading "HollyMissBerry the sometimes awesome Homo Sapiens. Sometimes not."

for your next preview. Please first watch this to get in the next mood that I want you all in before continuing on reading...


Normally a song I put on repeat when I split with a boyfriend... (or Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman"). Here's why I ADORE it:

*   I'ts so uplifting in its stark reality.
*   It reminds me of living in NYC while in grad school- for no specific reason
*   It is great when you are feeling lonely in a world-weary kinda mood.  Sometimes when you live    abroad you get in these moods as if you are all alone- but you never really are, you know...
*   a good song when you wash the paranoia off of yourself and are DONE with it.

The main point here, "I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down." Well, the only road I've ever been down, is MY road. It takes me everywhere. Sometimes I take the alley (short-cut), sometimes I go off the beaten path for an added kink. I get to do whatever the f*ck I want on this road. Within reason- usually. I can't change my road. I don't even have the path memorized. No entity is allowed to make me paranoid about my road. Well, they can, but it is up to me to let them know that they can just f*ck off.

On a more positive ending note- tax season is coming upon us Amerikans soon...

"I let the melody shine.Let it cleanse my mind. I feel free yea."

Okay. You all know the drill by now...


This is from Gwenda. She's teaching in the UAE. She turned me onto this clip. I'm not sure how she's using it in the classroom, but I think it's EXCELLENT.

There is no specific reason to watch it that's associated with this morning's blog... I watched it yesterday. I felt really good about Homo Sapiens' afterwards.  That's all. Thanks Gwennie. I wish I could hang out with you @ TESOL Arabia, but it's not in the cards this year...

Next on the spontaneous agenda- I NEED YOUR INPUT
Need some kick-ass running music. I'm not a runner who listens to music, but I have the means to.  I wanna try it out. What you guys have in mind for me? I await your suggestions. Come on. Do it Do it Do it. You guys can't just continue to think that you can just read my blog without producing anything in return...

Speaking of running, today's run confirmed yesterday morning's: it's getting warm enough to not need long sleeves!Also tested another theory on the track this morning: You can actually throw your back back into whack, running, after it goes outta whack, running...

I want a guy who wants a girl like this.  That's all. Besides, if you wear a short shirt, you MUST wear a longggggggggggggg jacket...

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Okay, back to Hawaii.  I always return back to Hawaii:

I think that about covers it for this morning.  Nothing like a spiritual dump to accompany your Sunday morning coffee in bed post-euphoria run on a pre-spring sunny morning here in the Fertile Crescent.

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